Wednesday, September 12, 2018

My First Rant at 2:37 AM

This post was written at an earlier time, and thus the drama from this post may have been diminished simply through timing. It was written on Sunday September 9, but was edited and finished on September 12 due to reasons established in the post. Either way, knock yourself out!

It is 2:37 AM. In about less than an hour, I will on my way to Port Authority in New York City to catch a bus, where I will visit my girlfriend for the next three days. She attends Smith College, which is arguably one of the most liberal college campuses in the nation. Considering the fact that my bus leaves at 5:30 AM, ideally I should be sleeping at this hour, so that I can wake up early and be considerably refreshed so that I can have time to catch this bus.

But alas, I chose to create this blog instead.

"Why," you ask? Why am I up at this hour typing away mindlessly like Kermit the Frog on my laptop when I should be fast asleep at this hour? Why should creating this blog be so much more important than getting mandatory sleep?

The answer is simple: I am angry. If you want a LONGER answer, then you're in for a huge treat, but for those of you who are impatient feel free to scroll down to the last few paragraphs.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a white male, who attended some of the best public schools all my life. I grew up in a semi-rich, white majority neighborhood, where I lived in a house with a garden and a backyard. I play the violin, as I have been doing since I was 4 years old where I had access to wide array of fantastic teachers. I had an excellent childhood and scholastic career, where I received good grades and was given many opportunities that others would not normally receive. Finally, I attend a great college in New York City, and I have a beautiful girlfriend, whom I have been dating for over a year, (and yes, she is also white).

I sound privileged, don't I? Is it because I grew up in an middle class neighborhood and attended great public schools? Is it because I am white, or that I am a male, or god forbid a white male who likes women?? Maybe it's because I go to a good college, in what is considered to be the best (and most expensive) city in the world.

Well, I hate to break it to all of the leftists out there, but I am not privileged... at all. These are all assumptions and generalizations that the left would make of not just only me, but anyone who would meet the criteria I stated above.

In reality, I am the son of an Italian-American father (who is Catholic), and a Syrian mother (who is Muslim), who both raised me in a residential neighborhood in Washington, DC. Since I can remember, I worked for my father's small business as he still works night and day to support the family financially. I have played the violin since I was 4 years old, but I was no prodigy when I started out. I worked hard for over 15 yeas to achieve my almost-professional status today. I attended public school almost all of my life, but the best school I ever went to was at home, where I was home-schooled all of middle school and acquired most of the skills that I have today. I then graduated from the best public high school in the city, but I worked my butt off to not only graduate from that school, but just to be admitted in the first place. I now attend Brooklyn College located in, you guessed it, Brooklyn, NY (in the heart of Flatbush), where I pay for my own rent for my apartment I stay in and tuition for my education with money that I worked for and saved up over a LONG time.

Sadly, these details are insignificant in the eyes of a leftist and/or a modern day liberal.

In the world of leftist ideology, you are not an individual. Alternatively, you are a chemical product of what your race, religion and gender/sexuality are, and if you exhibit any of the hetero-normative and racial traits like I described, then you are a criminal; you are the enemy of society in which you do not claim to be. Never mind your character, intelligence, and moral beliefs as they are insignificant in this world, but instead you are categorized and generalized by your social status, and determined by the endless so-called "minority groups" as to whether or not you are responsible for their "suffering." On the surface, you are privileged, and therefore you are their enemy. Thus, they will not cease until you succumb to their suffering and beg for their forgiveness.

Our nation, the United States of America, was a country founded on the principals of which to escape tyranny in order to become a free and sovereign nation. Our founding fathers had prided themselves in their constitution, which was and still is considered to be the best legal document in all of history. Our constitution is what separates us from every other nation in the world, and has allowed the US to become the superpower that it is today. It breaks my heart to say that Americans today have lost these principals of which our founding fathers had, and instead of praising the freedom, liberty and privilege that all Americans have now because of our fathers, we live in a nation today where we criticize them for being slave owners just like everyone else during that time.

By now, you can probably understand why I am angry, but  let me spell it out for you anyway. I am angry at the way our nation is headed with leftist ideology, an ideology that strips our nation of its very principals it was founded upon. I am angry, because more and more people in this nation diminish classical American values, and instead replace them with new, unorthodox ones that have no way of representing our very nation. I am angry, because it is impossible to have a different opinion than leftists and to be called a racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, islamophobe, and countless other slurs because of it. I am angry, because it is too easy to be offended, and that we live in an imaginary society where "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings" and "microaggressions" exist, even while it contradicts real life experiences. I am angry, because we live in a nation that is consumed by corrupt media that does not heal American wounds, but instead pours salt upon it. I am angry, because our American universities and colleges and Brooklyn College have resorted to embracing intersectionality, and indoctrinates those who have the laziness to rely on a PhD to tell them what to think, instead of thinking for themselves.

All of these ideas that the left has spawned through idiocy defy the physics of reality. No matter what, everyone experiences it, and there are struggles that come with it. In reality, people will have different opinions than you. In reality, your feelings will be hurt by many people and those individuals will not care about your feelings. In reality, only two genders exist, and physical/biological science do not care about your fantasy genders. In reality, there are no safe spaces, trigger warnings, or microaggressions. In reality, the media has plagued American youth with an agenda and are not interested in reporting the full truth. In reality, liberal policies do not/have never worked, and push for something resembling socialism every day. In reality, if we as a public are not informed and continue to let all of the above happen, America will be left in a dark, cold place, and believe me, the light is starting to dim and the temperature is beginning to cool for this country.

"The Occasional Rant," is a blog that will, true to its name, occasionally rant about today's modern (yet diseased) society. This blog will serve as a solitude to anyone who seeks refuge from today's media and that can relate to something a little out of the box. In this day and age, I feel it is important to relieve some stress, and I find that the best way to do it is through rants, and through the process of relating to rants. As a conservative, I will be reviewing ideas, current events, and politics through a conservative standpoint, or simply through a common sense standpoint. The first step to fixing any problem is realizing that there is one. I love this country with all of my heart, and I want to fix its problems by addressing them first.

You will find that as a writer, I strive to be as fair as possible while inserting my opinions in the process. This does NOT mean however, that whatever I say is either fake or untrue, as I support my beliefs with evidence when the time comes for it (and if need be I'll edit and correct myself). There will be times where I do not support my claims with evidence, but that is simply because either my evidence is common sense, or that the post is simply a rant (hence the name) and not meant to be take too seriously. At the same time, this blog will not strictly be about conservative ideals/ disproving leftist theory, since I am not angry all of the time unfortunately. There may be days where I think a particular book/movie is good for a certain reason, or where I want to tell weird stories that revolve a personal experience of mine.

In the meantime let set a disclaimer: This blog is not for anyone who is either not open minded, or anyone who simply chooses to argue for the sake of doing so. If you are offended or opposed by my writing, then this blog is not for you! My writing will be free of any filters, and it will be offensive to those who choose it to be, so do not expect any catering of the sort. There will be no exceptions!

Anyway, welcome to The Occasional Rant! If you have stuck with me thus far then I have a feeling that you will like material that comes your way. Hopefully through my endless rants you can find a place of comfort and solitude that you can relate to. It is important to have people that can relate to your thoughts, and hopefully I can be one of those people. Otherwise, this world would be pretty lonely!

 - Exile

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